Weekly Harvest 23rd June 20

23rd June 2020

The week of the raspberries, every visit included a raspberry picking session. We have now picked more than last year. Lots of visits to the plot this week and each time more raspberries pop up.

We have been watching the peas grow in the garden for months and having covered them to keep the birds off, we picked and eat our first lot. A small amount and plenty on their way.

Keep picking lettuce each lunch time, now a couple of have gone to seed and a couple more on their way. Plenty left in the ground though, maybe time to sow some more.

I’m pleased the birds have kept off the currants, they are not really fully ready yet but we did do a first lot of picking of red and black currants. The rest will maybe in a couple of week’s time.

The big harvest evening, the second of the three, the potatoes at the plot. We spent ages digging them up. I had thought the plants had died off quite quickly and this was confirmed with the large number of potatoes but most of them pretty small. Not a problem as they will all be used, but certainly a lot lot less than last year in weight.

2020 B/F £33.44

Peas- 84g£0.13
Broad Beans- 43g£0.18
Lettuce – 30g£0.07
Raspberries – 331g£6.08
Black Currants – 124g£1.65
Potatoes – 5.35kg£10.71
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £52.26

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