An evening of planting

It’s about time, a bit late this year. The final set of squash plants planted out at the plot, we have never had success with such things so if they last more than 24 hours then it has been a success. The ground has been prepped a lot, I’ll water them well, I’ll cross my fingers. Plus I have some planted in the garden which did well last year, and I still have a load of spares in pots. I think I have everything covered.

The tomatoes have also needed to be planted out. The small bush tomatoes have been in the garden for a week while I have plum and yellow, and black ones for the plot. I didn’t quite know where they would go but I did find a couple of places One of the beds now has become split into different areas of cabbage, leeks, tomatoes, squashes and is looking quite neat for now. I couldn’t find the string to tie up the tomatoes and so I returned the next day. It gave me a chance to water everything, it had been a hot day and plants were starting to suffer.

I checked on the celeriac that I planted out on my first visit. I remember last year I planted the small celeriac plants out and then we had hot days of 30c+ which frazzled them all within 24 hours. This time, apart from not having such hot weather, I covered them in netting to shade them a bit. They were looking fine today. Unlike the onions planted in the spring, which seem to be suffering from leaf miner. The leeks suffered from this last year but did mostly recover. I think I’m going to have to cover them next time, which is a bit of a pain. The overwintered onions seem fine at the moment, and are massive.

I returned home with:

  • strawberries
  • rhubarb
  • broad beans

On the way home I stopped to pick elderflower with the idea of making cordial, seeing as the rhubarb cordial the other week had worked out so well.

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