Evening Visits

Have started, a quick 30 minutes or so after work which might have turned into an hour, or an hour and a half. It was a quick visit to give the onions I planted and the carrot seed a bit of a water after a pretty hot and sunny week. I pulled some more bits of rhubarb as otherwise I’m sure the plant shall surely explode if I didn’t.

The broad beans were looking tall and with flowers, their pain through the winter a distant memory. Excitingly I started to notice some of the potatoes from the start of the month showing. I banked up the earth a bit around them.

While on my way out I noticed a fresh delivery of wood chip and so took the opportunity to help myself to a couple of wheelbarrow loads which I used on the paths.

A nice evening visit but also a reminder that over the coming weeks a lot will be happening and all the winter jobs that I never did… will need doing.

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