Weekly Harvest 20th April 21

20th April 2021

More of the same. Rhubarb is plentiful and I pick as much as I think we will use for the week plus a little extra for the freezer. It doesn’t seem to make much of a dent but I am sure it is happy with me picking small bits regularly and not stripping it of stalks straight away.

I knew/hopped there would be more purple sprouting and some on the second plant, what I found was loads of the first plant and the second plant starting to have some for cutting. I felt that we would get two weeks out of these, but we will get at least three, if not four weeks before it goes to seed.

Leeks, each time I pull the largest ones and think the next week I will pulling lots of small ones, but each time those small ones become the new big ones. We are on plan to pull them all within a month which will have seen us with a good harvest, not anywhere as great as last year, but good and worthwhile all the same.

2021 B/F £20.05

leek- 416g£0.92
rhubarb – 719g£4.72
purple sprouting – 83g£0.90
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL -£13.51

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