The Day After Tomorrow

I’m surprised not more was made of it on the news, we had super strong wind blowing day and night. So strong that it blew the top layer of compost from our planters with flower seed, they were starting to germinate too and I had high hopes for them. Some look like they might survive but most blew off miles down the road. It made me wonder how things had got on the plot and so even though it was raining on and off during the weekend I did have a quick visit.

It was nice to see the fruit cage not only still had it’s netting but it had not moved at all, the broad beans needed a bit of tidying up but no damage. Not so good for other plots, the number of polytunnels present had diminished, and those left where either a bit twisted or no longer had a covering. A local Facebook group showed a picture of one such polytunnel, from the site, sitting in the field next to us. With that in mind, I’m quite pleased there was no trouble on our plot.

Between showers, I raked over the bed where the squash plants might soon be planted. I picked a whole load of rhubarb and broad beans. The onions and potatoes have been liking the shower and sun over the last days.

Back home I sowed kale, purple sprouting and I repotted the squash plants.

Lots of small plants at home, waiting for slightly better weather before I plant them out, loads of beans all coming up having sowed them in the little plastic greenhouse.

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