Heavy Rain

Lots of rain and it was heavy. I wondered how the netting I had put over the brassicas last week would had coped. I had an early and cold(‘ish) morning until the sun had moved round. The netting was still standing which with the force of the recent rain I was surprised about. However, the netting didn’t really cover all the brassicas and so I spent some time redoing it to cover both the broccoli and the purple sprouting.

Most of my visit was taken with hoeing, the rain has woken up weeds which had been mostly absent in the dry summer. All the green manure field beans had germinated too, which was good.

I picked some tomatoes and pulled up a couple of giant beetroot. We still have loads at home but I thought I’d get some from the plot and make some beetroot jam, although at the time I didn’t know we had no sugar.

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