Weekly Harvest 13th Sept 22

13th September 2022

Tomatoes are still turning red, some of them are splitting but that doesn’t seem to get in the way of a nice tasting tomato. We picked our first “big” tomato, I forget what variety they are but they look like ones that would be quite nice sliced and in a burger. Some of the tomatoes are ‘black cherry’ ones and so turn a dark colour instead of red.

We picked a lot of the spring onions which are now more like mini onions. Some we used, some with diced up and froze. I’ll pull up the rest of them within the next week. We had good success with spring onions and even though we can’t really treat these anymore as “salad onions” they are really strong and good to have.

The rhubarb on the plot has regrown and I will have to pull a whole load. We still have lots in the freezer (and no room for any more) and so I’ve been adding these bits into cakes. Likewise we still have a lot of beetroot in the ground and so I’ll start to make some beetroot jam or something.

2022 B/F £285.37

beetroot – 733g£2.93
rhubarb – 220g£1.98
chillies – 2g£0.03
spring onions – 158g£1.26
tomatoes – 506g£4.50
runner beans – 230g£1.60
french beans – 388g£2.72
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £300.34

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