A hot and sunny afternoon doing small bits around the plot. I planted some borlotti beans, seeds given to me. The remaining leeks are really past it and I pulled some of the smaller ones that were never going to do anything more and put them on the compost. Lots of weeding and watering.
In my “bag of allotment things” I found the remaining seed potatoes that a planted last month. Instead of wasting them I put in one last row. All the current potatoes have come up and are doing well, even those in the garden.
I pulled some of the larger radish from the parsnip row. There are now some viable looking parsnips, which is better than in the garden where none seem to have germinated.
Along with weeds growing, so is grass along the paths. Other plot holders mow a lot of the paths but not knowing any of these other plot holders possibly means they don’t cut the grass around my plot. It could also be that the path is too narrow also. The bloke in the plot next to us used to do it, but by the looks of his plot, he’s not coming back this year. It’s a bit of a shame that the waiting list is so long and yet plots around us are abandoned and overgrown. I used my hands mostly, and sorted out the long grass by the plot.
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