Planting out at the plot

An early 7am start, up to the plot in the car with various things to plant out. I pulled up the old purple sprouting which has been full of yellow flowers for a number of weeks, left for the birds and insects. In the space I dibbed in a load of small leek plants, filling each hole with water. If it doesn’t rain for the next 24 hours I’ll give these a bit more of a water. They seem quite small and I think I’m planting them out a month earlier than normal.

The last row of potatoes, planted a couple of weeks ago, are all starting to show. The other rows all looking as if they have liked the recent heavy rain.

This morning I planted out:

  • leeks
  • courgettes
  • cucumbers

Happy to see the row of boleti beans starting to show, just the other day there was nothing to see. Also good to see quite a lot of ripening strawberries which could be ready within the next week.

For the courgettes and cucumbers I dug holes and mixed in a bit of rotted manure and gave them all a good watering.

I cut the grass, by hand, around the main path to the plot. With the plot next to us now abandoned it has quickly become overrun with tall grass. The plot seems like a bit of an oasis within a jungle of long grass.

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