Butternut Squash with BBC DigIn

The other week I noticed on the CBeebies website that Tom and Jack spend quite some time on that the BBC were offering free seeds as part of their DigIn thing.  So I sent off for them and the other day they arrived.  Mostly lettace and carrots and of course more tomato seeds, but I was more interested in the butternut squash seeds.  We have never grown these before and so we spent a little time at the weekend planting all six seeds (rather large seeds) in an old egg box.   In the end we planted five, the sixth one accidently being dropped and going down the crack in the decking, whoops.

I thought I would try something different here and see if we could keep the squash seedlings outside, placed in a seed tray and covered loosly in clingfilm with stones stopping it flying off.  This seemed to work well under we had the worst rain and windy for ages for a whole week and it resulted in a very soggy seed bed, a rather drowned one!   I bought the egg box seed tray back in doors and put it on a heater for a while to dry off.   A week later, in doors, we now have our five expected seedlings.

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