Chocolate Cosmos

I ordered these via a special offer in the BBC Gardeners World magazine quite a while ago.  Last month they wrote to tell me that there would be a delay, and this month they arrived.  Unfortunately they arrived while we were away for a couple of days and then I could not get out to the garden for a week to do anything with them, so I left them unpacked with plenty of water and shade until I was ready.   Out of six, two of them look like they will probably not make it.

These have now all been planted in the newly cleared out bit of flower bed along the driveway in the front garden.  This is an area that I have been clearing for sometime.  It was once pebbles and overtime it turned into out of control wild grass.  It will then take a long time to fully clear it all, but for now there is a little stretch which needs planting up.   The Cosmos went in big hole which were filled with compost.  The soil is very very stony (it is nearly impossible to remove all the pebbles!) and so I dug a huge hole for each – hopefully this should give it something to get started in.

So now all planted, I am preparing to cross my fingers for the winter and we shall see how it all turns out in the spring next year.

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