Lavender Trimmed and New Plants Added

The other week I mentioned that really I woud like to replace the lavender as it had got all woody, but really that was me thinking allowed as I know only too well that my dis-organisation would mean that these lavenders will last for at least another year.   It was suggested that I should try giving it a all a trim which would encourage growth to it and infact this was well overdue as it would normally be something I would do in late spring.   In true form, I never got round to it and so now does seem like a good time, just trimming down the new growth and as low as I dare before I get to the wood.

It does now look a lot better as a formal low hedge, it is still a bit of the mess but at lest it is a nice formal mess.   I would really love to create a small formal lavender hedge like you see in all the walled gardens, but I think this hedge has had just too many children falling into it, lol!

This means I’m still not really happy with it, but something that did cheer me up was the planting of the two small lavender plants that came from cuttings from the same row of lavender a couple of years ago.   I am well chuffed as these were my first  cuttings I have ever taken and over the months/years I have watched them grow into their own bushes.   True, I did loose a lot along the way, but it is simply amazing that these two “new” plants I created are now being planted to join their “parents” and will hopefully grow over the years to fill the big gap.

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