We start the path…

Starting the path

With the waste wood off Freecycle we started laying the new wooden path.   Taking up the paving I found an older concrete path underneath but fortunately everything is at the right height to base everyone off that.  I chipped the loose bits off and started cutting and placing the wood in place.    This initial bit goes round a sharp 90 degree corner which needed a bit of planning and with a lot of experimenting all day on different ways to do things I have not gone far but I have made a start.    The bloke with the pebbles (off Freecycle too) turned up with a trailer full of pebbles.  Probably slightly smaller than I wanted but good all the same.  If we need to then we can get some larger pebbles for the top, but we shall see.   They are rather muddy at the moment but nothing rain or child labor will be able to deal with.     The funny part to all this is that the pebbles come from another person’s garden which backs onto the beach, all that seperates the pebbles in their garden and the ones from the beach is a small brick wall.   They dare not dump their pebbles onto the beach, it’s against the law, and so they put them onto Freecycle, I answered, and now they will be in our garden.   Much the same way that in theory I could go over to the beach with a bucket and pinch pebbles from there, but no pebbles go on or off the beach – that’s the law.

The plan tomorrow then is to set the bits of wood I have cut to size into some dry cement and sand, probably mixed with small broken up bits of concrete that I have dug up too.   Water them and wait for them to set.  After that we can start to put the pebbles inbetween and so help judge how many more we might need.   I may possibly get round to laying the rest of the path, we shall see how it goes.

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