It said it would be a sunny day and it was, which was ideal for the allotment and a morning of digging. The sun had bought out everyone, meaning no place to park in the allotment grounds itself but we found a space by the gate. The reason for taking the car was to transport bits of pallet and a set of 7 wooden pathways which I had built from pallet wood on the front drive at home. They should work quite well, with the aim to keep the amount of grass on the plot to a minimum – grass paths look pretty but they take constant maintenance!
The allotment was busy with new people, we saw a family working on a plot that we could have had but decided against it as it was right up next to the entrance gate and I didn’t fancy having to talk to everyone who came and went. Lots of what looked like new people coming to view over their new plots. Slightly surprised by the people dressed up as roman soldiers (that’s what it looked like) in the field next to us, looking like they were making some sort of amateur film?!
The plan for today would be to dig over half the growing plot, cover with a bit of compost left over from the previous owner, and re-cover to leave until planting time. We wanted to weed around the gooseberries to so that on a future visit we can take a look at pruning them, first we needed to actually find them in the weeds.

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