Sprouts, leeks, decking

Tom and myself went for a quick visit on Friday night to see how the marigolds we planted the day before had coped with being in the wild and apart from needing a bit of a watering they were all fine.   We took a pallet up with us to see if we could turn it into a bit of decking for the chairs to go on.   Up until now the wooden chairs have been slowly sinking into the ground each time you sit on them, and while the seats got lower the weeds under them got higher.    We cleared and leveled the ground off a bit, laid down a bit of plastic sheeting, and put the pallet on top to form a little decking.   We dug it in a bit so that it wasn’t too much like you were sitting on a raised throne!

The next morning I returned in less than summery conditions, warm but cloudy, windy and looking like it might rain at some point.   I took with me the sprout plants what have been in pots outside in the garden for a number of weeks now and were all needing to be planted on the plot.  I also took the two pots of leeks that have have grown from seed and have been outside for a number of months.

The sprout plants went into the prepared bed I made last week, mostly still weed free with just the corner having bindweed I had missed coming up.    All planted and bedded in, netting over the top.   Never grown sprouts before so will be interesting to see what happens.

The small apple tree he have inherited is full of small apples which I thinned out a bit, along with another thinning of carrots.

The other main task was to complete the replanting of leeks we started the other night.  I made wet the ground a little bit which made dipping the holes a lot easier.   I made four rows from leeks sowed direct in the ground and those from pots.  I’m left with just one pot of leek plants which I’ll keep as is for the time being and maybe plug any gaps over the next weeks.


‘his and hers’ seats on a bit more solid ground

Sprouts and leeks – ready to go


This year we will mostly be eating leeks – 4 rows


Sprouts planted and undercover


Tom with a radish harvest


Spotted – broad bean pods, all it ok in the world once again


Tomatoes living at home, in bottomless pots into the growbag


We eat these, and they were pretty hot


Spotted – little tomatoes




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