Due to commitments and weather I have not been to the plot for a number of weeks. A had a feeling I was leaving it a bit late to pick the rest of the sprouts and so before it got stormy again I thought I would go and do that, plus pull the last of the swede and generally had a quick tidy up. For a ‘weekend of storms’ it started off pretty quiet and sunny. The state of the sprouts were not so good however and my fears of leaving them for too long was correct. I picked all the remaining good ones but a lot had gone past their best, possibly a week or two back they would had been perfect.
I pulled the rest of the swede, and pulled some leeks. The swede this year did not do too well, small roots which taste absolutely fine but not a nice round swede shape.
The cleared up the sprouts, I pulled up the kale as it had gone to seed and went about raking the soil level and hoeing out small weeds. It all looked a lot better once done.
On my way out I spotted some people had large piles of woodchip on their plots, as I got near the main entrance I saw the remains of what had possibly just days before been a large delivery. I had noticed a lot of animal digging activity on paths at the entrance of the plot and so the discovery of this woodchip was quite welcome. While most had already gone there is always plenty left if you don’t mind scrabbling about. I did scrabble about and managed four wheelbarrow loads, enough to fix the holes in the path plus lay more.
Over winter onions and leeks. We are making our way through the leeks now… Sitting very much on its own, Purple Sprouting under the netting. Everything else has been cleared As the days get longer I’m looking forward to these putting on a lot of growth Broad beans looking rather battered and sorry. Hopefully they will pick up once the weather improves The plot hasn’t looked this bare for ages I like how one half of the plot might be bare but the other half as a lot going on. Leeks, onions right at the back, garlic and broad beans – plus still picking chard. As if by magic, the rhubarb has re-appeared for a new year. Something to look forward to during these wet stormy days
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