Weekly Harvest 24th Dec 2019

24th December 2019

A family visit to the plot to fetch veg for Christmas day. The highlights were picking of the only red cabbage and only savoy cabbage that came to anything. I planted both these cabbages too much in the shade under larger plants (I had forgot what was in each pot so I didn’t really know what was going where!). The two that actually came to anything were more for miniature people, both looking like quite good cabbages, sized for dolls. I’ll make sure I label what’s what next time.

It is now all about sprouts, leeks and swedes. Earlier on in the week I pulled the last of the carrots, a lot were not worth doing much with but we still managed to make a meal from them.

B/F £253.21

Parsnip – 693g£0.97
Leeks – 275g£0.61
Carrot – 747g£0.52
Sprouts – 171g£0.34
Red Cabbage – 134g£0.23
Savoy Cabbage – 77g£0.20
Swede – 421g£0.21
RUNNING 2019 TOTAL £256.29

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