Weekly Harvest 9th July 2019

9th July

The week of the potatoes, we dug them all up, dried them off, and now they are stored in a sack in a cool dark place. Everyone likes digging potatoes. While Tom was doing that, I was looking for any further blackcurrants that I had missed before and did find some. I also made a start on the spring sown broad beans which have not been as good as the over winter ones but are still probably more than our freezer has room for at the moment.

Back home we did the yearly picking of cherries. Normally we get loads and this year we did get quite a lot but the tree had suddenly started growing upwards for the first time and so the harvest was good but not like we have had it before.

We continue to pick and use chilies as needed.

B/F £63.87

Potatoes (Charlotte) – 8.47kg£8.48
Broad Beans – 503g£2.16
Chard – 84g£0.63
Blackcurrant – 87g£1.16
Cherries- 857g£8.00
RUNNING 2019 TOTAL £84.95

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