
We dug up the first half last week, this week we were late in the evening digging up the rest and quickly re-filling the space with leeks. Finally we have planted out all the leeks. I’ve also moved some of the previous leeks planted the other week to the new location.

I have remodeled some of the paths now there is space to go back to how it was last year but without the raised beds. This will give a bit more room to get about. The first things to go in the new beds are some rather small and struggling kale plants. These have been in pots at home and been suffering from the heat and from aphids so hopefully they will pick up a bit now they are finally planted out.

We bought home:

  • loads of potatoes
  • more blackcurrants
  • chard
  • spring sown broad beans
  • cherries from the tree at home

It looks like the peas will be ready next time.

While I have removed all the winter sown broad beans, the new lot of spring ones are now ready.

I experimented by uncovering some of the celeriac and parsnips which had previously been attacked and eaten by lots of small black beetle things. I kept netting around so stop any small things from flying in, but uncovered a the top to give them room to actually grow. When I revisited a couple of days later there were no signs of pests and so I uncovered the remaining lot.

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