22nd Sept Weekly Harvest

22nd September 2020

Cucamelons and tomatoes following a bit of a warm and sunny week. It’ a race to get all the tomatoes to change colour before the dark and cold come in the upcoming weeks. Cucamelons probably won’t feature next year so we are making the most of them, we added them to homemade coleslaw using some of the cabbage from the week before.

Cucumbers on the plot are still not doing a great deal but the one in the garden is growing all over the place and while not a great deal to pick this week, next week we will be eating mostly cucumbers.

2020 B/F £261.74

tomato – 614g£5.46
ridge cucumber – 2£1.42
beetroot – 426g£3.34
pak choi – 8g£0.05
spinach – 16g£0.02
kale – 8g£0.07
cucamelon – 11£2.75
carrot – 91g£0.07
chilies – 12g£0.21
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £275.13

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