Weekly Harvest 10th Nov 20

10th November 2020

I was rather surprised to see so many raspberries when I went up to the plot. Previous visits there had been one or two but this time there were small red raspberries all over the place. This is the second cropping of the year and of course nothing like the summer time, but raspberries all the same

Another surprise was in the garden, when taking down the runner beans I discovered quite a number of beans growing, which I picked too.

I picked the last of the plot carrots (we have some small ones left in the garden) and picked the last of the chillies (the plants both indoors and outdoors are dying off). It is the ‘time of the turnip’ with plenty of small turnips ready and being pulled.

2020 B/F £279.63

chillies – 16g£0.27
runner beans – 291g£1.76
coloured carrots – 46g£0.61
raspberries – 150g£2.00
brocoli – 58g£0.10
turnip – 344g£0.74
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £285.11
Monthly Totals

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