Weekly Harvest 15th Sept 20

15th September 2020

We are pacing ourselves with white cabbage having picked one a couple of weeks ago it was time for the next one. This time however, the smallest one was 1kg, but it did need picking and since then we have had bits of it fried with some chilies. That leaves another two left in the ground for another time.

Last week it looked like some rhubarb would be ready soon and this weekend it we pulled some of it. We don’t quite know what this plant is as it was inherited with the plot, but it normally gives us a second going in the autumn.

We continued to have all the normal, carrots, beetroot, cucumbers and so on. There are millions of tomatoes but they are all green, although with the recent hot couple of days I have spotted some changing colour. Hopefully the rest will follow before it gets too dark and cold in the coming weeks.

A bit of a surprise to have on the list this week is parsnips, although very small ones at only 31g. I didn’t really pull these on purpose, they were in the way when it came to edging the garden plot and so had to come out. A small sacrifice that was not wasted.

Something new, and a little of it so far, pak choi. We mixed some of that with the cabbage.

2020 B/F £246.82

parsnip – 31g£0.04
tomato – 241g£2.14
broccoli – 15g£0.03
ridge cucumber – 3£4.17
courgette – 566g£1.21
cucamelon – 2£0.50
beetroot – 433g£1.45
carrot – 155g£0.12
french beans – 55g£0.37
coloured carrot – 27g£0.36
lettuce – 30g£0.07
rhubarb – 255g£2.26
cabbage – 1kg£1.68
chard – 41g£0.31
kale – 20g£0.18
pak choi – 5g£0.03
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £261.74

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