Weekly Harvest 17th Nov 20

17th November 2020

Last week I was surprised by raspberries and I picked them all, this week they all came back plus some more. I was once again picking raspberries in the wind and rain. Within all the autumn colours, dying back plants, seeing all the bright red raspberries seemed a bit strange.

It was a weekend of carrots and beetroot. The carrots, (too) late sown and was so not expecting much, in the garden. So that slugs and things didn’t eat them I pulled what I could find and, while small, were all worth having. I wanted to pick the remaining beetroot too but it seems the more you pick the more seems to be left in the ground. I pulled enough to make more beetroot chutney which we quite like. Click here for the recipe.

We are pulling a lot of turnips and giving some of them away. We cut a red cabbage which was a bit on the small size but still a lot bigger than the ‘dolls house’ size we had last year. I had hopped they would do more but maybe once again they have been over shadowed by other plants.

2020 B/F £285.11

beetroot – 614g£3.34
carrots – 194g£0.15
coloured carrots – 96g£1.28
raspberries – 180g£2.40
red cabbage – 224g£0.39
turnip – 200g£0.43
sprouts – 5g£0.10
spinach – 10g$0.01
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £293.21

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