Weekly Harvest 28th Jan 20

28st January 2020

No work on the allotment this week apart from a walk to pick bits for the week. The swedes never made it to looking like big round swedes but what we do have is just the right size and so has not been a complete lose. We still have celeriac in the ground and I’m aware they would probably like to come up now before they get too large and woody, this week’s was twice the weight of the previous one we pulled. They have been interesting to grow, but didn’t jump out as something I’d jump to eat, and the prep time in the kitchen is a pain. We pulled the normal leeks and we picked a small bit of kale and some sprouts for tea. We continue to use parsnips and more sprouts in the freezer.

B/F £259.46

Sprouts – 8g£0.18
Leeks – 256g£0.56
Kale – 3g£0.17
Celeriac- 4234g£0.68
Swede – 260g£0.13
RUNNING 2019 TOTAL £261.30

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