Weekly Harvest 29th Sept 20

29th September 2020

A bit of a surprise from the large carrots from the plot, both normal orange ones the coloured ones. These will bulk up the ones from the garden which have mostly been on the small side.

Between the garden and the plot, and with the rain, cucumbers are starting to come in. For a lot of the plants on the plot it will be too late for anything more, but the ones in the garden look like they give some more before the middle of next month. Tomatoes have loved the rain and bits of sun. It seems every year there feels like a scramble for all the tomatoes to change colour before it’s too late, but just like last year, I think we will make it again.

By now, runner beans on the plot have normally been blown over and killed off in the chill. The garden is a bit different though and the beans are giving us a second harvest and I think they will do for a couple of weeks. Most of the french bean plants have now gone but the ones remaining have given one last lot of beans. We missed out on this last year when they all died off due to wind and cold in the middle of the year, it’s nice to have a better year.

This month is a long month which may explain why the large harvest total for September. However, the large cucumber, tomato and coloured carrots harvested have helped a lot.

No beetroot listed because we haven’t pulled any this week, there are plenty left in the ground though.

2020 B/F £275.13

tomato – 475g£4.22
ridge cucumber – 8£11.12
coloured carrots – 298g£3.98
carrot – 387g£0.29
runner beans – 216g£1.30
courgette – 154g£0.33
brocoli – 15g£0.03
french beans – 67g£0.45
kale – 8g£0.07
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £296.92

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