Weekly Harvest 30th June 20

30th June 2020

The week of fruit and onions. Super pleased with the over wintered onions which were massive when we pulled them up this week. They are now drying off, helped by two days of 30c+ temperature, not helped by sudden return to winter (undercover now so they don’t get wet).

This was joined by picking of the cherries at home of which we picked about half of what was available and made various cherry cakes (3 of them!)

Before the bad weather could get them, I stripped the whole redcurrant bush and most of one of the black currants, I have one more bush left. I’ve recorded them all as blackcurrants as they all went in the same pot. If Sainsburys stop substituting jam sugar with syrup, we will be able to make jam out of these.

With pulled our first lot of beetroot from the garden, and did a massive pea picking session.

While digging over at the plot I unearthed a further load of potatoes that we missed before. This has put up our total to nearly 5kg, but still a lot less than last year’s 15kg.

In total, we have picked just under £100 worth of fruit and veg this month.

2020 B/F £52.26

Potatoes – 518g£1.04
Peas – 482g£1.54
Radish – 120g£0.96
Lettuce – 40g£0.09
Strawberries – 102g£0.51
Blackcurrants – 857g£11.43
Onions – 8.126kg£7.48
Raspberry – 83g£1.10
Cherries – 1kg£6.43
Beetroot – 238g£0.79
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £83.63

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