Weekly Harvest 31st March 20

31st March 2020

People seem to have decided that the allotment is a safe place that no virus can gain access to, I am not so convinced. The streets and shops may be deserted and empty but the allotment site is as busy as any Sunday morning carboot sale. I didn’t want to waste all that was already planted or ready for picking and so I had a quick “dash for the leeks” trip and to set the plot up to look after itself for a number of weeks (months?) by itself the best it can.

I’m glad I did too, the leek harvest or some pretty giant plants came to a massive 5kg. These would all had been pulled during April anyway, but I do need to find room in the freezer. We have been eating a lot of leek and potato soup these last days.

It is normally time for a first harvest of the rhubarb and I pulled nearly 1kg and felt I had hardly made a dent in the plant. I might not be able to get anymore but maybe with less picking over the coming weeks it will make the plant stronger for next year.

I wasn’t going to leave the purple sprouting broccoli, after all it had taken many many months to produce. I would probably had left it another week but I cut what was there. There might be another lot that will produce, but I don’t know if we will see it.

2020 B/F 27.57

Leeks – 5.82kg£12.80
Purple Sprouting – 85g£0.92
Rhubarb- 870g£7.61

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