Weekly Harvest 8th Dec 2020

8th December 2020

Parsnips on the plot, I started digging them up and before I knew it I had decided to dig them all up. It was a good harvest of (mostly) long and straight parsnips, no forking at all. Some small ones but also some large ones. I would be pretty pleased (and I am) but most of the parsnips didn’t come to anything on the plot and so it could had been much much more. With what I did dig up though, it was good. I am hoping for more of the same when we come to dig the ones in the garden, I’ll leave these for a while.

We had our first savoy cabbage which was rather tiny but actually just the right size for a single meal, no waste! We have some more of these “individual” cabbages to cut over the coming weeks.

I harvested a load of fennel which I didn’t think I would be doing but they are now looking very much fennel like with wide bulb type bits at the end.

2020 B/F £295.77

kale – 40g£0.37
turnip – 65g£0.14
spinach – 15g£0.02
parsnip – 1.559kg£2.18
swede – 264g£0.13
fennal – 372g£1.49
savoy cabbage – 112g£0.32
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £300.42

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