Weekly Harvest 14th Sept 21

14th September 2021

Summer plants are coming to an end, we are picking the last lot of runner beans and the last lot of squashes. We need to be eating more beetroot and we need to be eating more carrots. We have plenty in the ground.

Chillies are finishing off, they will keep going for another month I’m sure, they never seem to enjoy this part of the year but they are producing a lot. One variety seems to give very small but very hot chillies.

2021 B/F £379.53

runner beans – 464g£2.80
patty pan – 460g£2.78
beetroot – 71g£0.63
chillies – 7g£0.11
carrots – 162g£0.12
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £385.97

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