Weekly Harvest 22nd June 21

22nd June 2021

We return to mid winter, wind rain and cold temperatures. We might have had harvested a lot more if we had ventured out in the mid winter weather. I did pull up the garlic on the plot, it was the right time. The week before in the summer sun it looked all good and ready to go, in the wet and cold I wanted to make sure they didn’t get wetter or sit in the wet for the next couple of weeks . I think I’m happy with the harvest, it was hard to tell with all the mud. I’ll give it some weeks in the dry before I tidy them up and include them in a harvest.

I’ve been picking broad beans as needed, eating them both cooked and raw for lunch at times. Strawberries I fear what they might be like now, possibly eaten by slugs in all the wet. I did pick some but they are not thriving (again), I might have a think about them for next year.

We sit, and wait, hoping the wind, rain and cold will end. This year has been a challenge, but saying that, the potatoes look fantastic and one day it will be dry and we will see how they have done.

2021 B/F £27.58

broad bean – 343g£1.54
lettuce – 20g£0.03
spinach – 40g£0.06
strawberry – 100g£0.63
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £29.84

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