Weeding after the rain

Actually, there is more rain to come, but a small break allowed me to spend some time weeding. The ground was a bit wet to use the hoe, so a did a lot by hand. Just reaching into the raspberries and pulling out of loads of bindweed, I did similar with the potatoes too. While doing this, I spotted and eat this year’s first raspberry. I climbed into fruit cage and did similar, spotting a load of gooseberries and currants.

I weeded the parsnips which have survived under the netting. I’ll have to take the netting off at some time with the hope that the little black bugs that eat everything in seconds don’t return. The carrots are not under netting but do have netting around them, and they too have not had any problems with the little black bugs.

The garlic which was once all dried up leaves was now all soggy and wet and I decided to pull them all out before they got lost in the ground. It was about time to pull them up anyway, just normally I would be doing it in the hot sun and not on a wet afternoon. I think we have some good bulbs but will see how they look once they have been dried off a bit.

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