Weekly Harvest 24th Aug 21

24th August 2021

The rest of the potatoes on the plot did not disappoint. The number of courgette and patty pans was great, but disappointing that you can get a bit fed up with such things, we have been giving them away. We have done the same for a lot of the cucumbers too, people have been grateful.

Blight is never too far away from the tomatoes in the garden but looking after them daily has paid off and we are being able to pick ripening tomatoes and finish them off on the window sill. There are plenty left on the plants and hopefully we will pick those too.

We haven’t been pulling a lot of beetroot and I don’t quite know why, we have loads of them in the ground waiting, we started to pull some. Likewise with carrots, although these will be small (but nice all the same), the sort of carrot you would buy in a over packaged display in Waitrose.

Rhubarb was picked to make rhubarb and ginger jam, which turned out quite nice.

The battle now (ignoring courgettes, patty pans and cucumbers) is keeping up with runner beans.

2021 B/F £254.38

Ridge Cucumber – 8£11.12
Rhubarb – 605g£3.97
French Bean – 200g£1.33
Spring Onion – 51g£0.41
Tomato – 1.200kg£10.67
Chard – 145g£0.46
Chilies 0 83g£1.25
Beetroot – 200g£0.72
Raspberry – 130g£0.87
Courgette – 1.300kg£2.78
Carrot – 190g£0.14
Potato – 13.81kg£27.62
Onion – 373g£0.35
Runner Bean – 580g£3.50
Patty Pan – 2.20kg£8.80
Blackberry – 360g£3.60
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £331.97

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