Weekly Harvest 27th July 21

27th July 2021

The “big four” includes onions, the the summer onions have not been great. I pulled most of them this week, before the week of rain, they are now drying undercover. Courgettes have done the opposite, normally a bit of a struggle, so far everytime we look there is a new courgette and so this week we have continued to pick them every ten minutes or so.

After the summer weather of last week (I think that is probably it for this year maybe) we are back to the more familiar wintery and wet weather, and so we have picked what we need as we need it. This has included the first lot of french beans. They don’t seem to have featured much in the garden, I saw the odd bean flower here and there but it’s only when I looked closer the other day that I noticed loads of green and purple beans – so we started the first lot of pickings.

2021 B/F £164.03

french beans – 63g£0.42
spring onions – 41g£0.33
onions – 2.779kg£2.64
chilies – 35g£0.53
raspberry – 40g£0.67
courgette – 1.514kg£3.24
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £171.86

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