Weekly Harvest

28th September 2021

Finally we start pulling a lot of beetroot. Some we eat straight away, some we made into beetroot jam and added the rather large jam collection under the stairs. There are still lots to pull.

An unexpected courgette, the last one of the year as I’ve pulled up the plants now which were looking all a bit sorry.

Spending in the shape of onions and garlic from Wilkos. Two lots of winter onions, white and red, 100 in total. Just two garlic cloves this year as we really don’t need as much garlic as we had this year (when the mail order company accidently sent me double).

2021 B/F £389.13

beetroot 1.095kg£3.94
courgette – 140g£0.30
cabbage – 500g£0.40
carrot – 153g£0.11
chilies – 46g£0.69
seed onions & garlic£6.00
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £388.57

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