Weekly Harvest 13th Oct 22

13th October 2022

That is it for tomatoes this year, all plants have been pulled out and anything worth picking has been picked, mostly as green tomatoes but also some as red. I pulled up a row of carrots that have been in the ground for a lifetime, mostly small ones but carrots all the same. Not really the best harvest. I also picked the remaining spring onions which by now had turned into small onions. It has been a week of finishing bits off.

Then, there were unexpected bits, like finding a courgette. I knew one was on its way as I saw it the week previous. I wasn’t expecting a strawberry though, red and ready to be picked, which I did and eat.

Being October it was time to pay fees for another year, at £61 for half a plot I still see it as pretty expensive – it’s gone up £1 since last year.

2022 B/F £322.86

beetroot – 200g£0.80
courgette – 143g£0.36
carrots – 300g£0.23
green tomatoes – 611g£5.43
tomatoes – 292g£2.60
spring onions – 200g£1.60
strawberries – 20g£0.18
WEEK TOTAL £11.20£61.00
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £273.06

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