Weekly Harvest 14th June 22

14th June 2022

Nice to see some strawberries turning red, even nicer that we are getting to a lot of them before slugs and mice. We have also started picking raspberries.

The broad beans are mostly now all done, the three plants that we put out. The lower harvest has been a lot more manageable and we still have a lot from last year in the freezer.

Radish have mostly finished now, we had to compost some of them as they had got too big and split. I have some more seedlings ready to plant out.

2022 B/F £55.70

raspberry – 300g£4.00
lettuce- 20g£0.33
radish – 100g£0.33
broad beans – 250g£1.13
strawberry – 250g£2.19
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £63.68

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