Kitchen Garden – Summer Time

The last week has been very hot and summer like, it ended with thunder, heavy rain and very windy. We have been sitting in the garden, drinking coffee at breakfast time. We even “built” a “duck pond” with it’s own fountain!

The potatoes have taken over a bit, taken one half of the lower bed, a good job I didn’t sow anything in the middle. At the time I was a bit worried we would be left with a bare part of the bed, but actually I’m having to tie back the potatoes so that they don’t swamp the french beans.

Lettuce sowed in spring time has come and gone, it does much better in the cooler time of year, in the heat of summer it bolts pretty quickly. I’ve replaced them with some more lettuce and some spinach. I’ve also put out some radish plants and some “strawberry spinach”, not quite sure what that will turn into.

Over wintered onions will be pulled up maybe in a week’s time, a lot of them are starting to die back. Also, the long row of spring onions are getting bigger and might be ready in a couple of weeks.

In the space of a week, beetroot plants have massive leaves and ready for pulling.

Most of all, we have been sitting in the sun, reading books, watching it all grow…

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