Weekly Harvest 18th Jan 22

18th January 2022

We did pull the parsnips from the plot this week. This is the left overs from the garden, seedlings planted in trays and put into the ground when they were very young. They don’t like you doing this, so this was done really just in case the ones direct sown in the garden did nothing, which in the end they did the opposite. The ones at the plot have done well too, if a bit misshapen. Weight wise it came to about the same as the total for 2021 (which was not the best parsnip year) so with half the parsnips in the garden still to pull up, we will be eating a lot of parsnips. I have mostly been cutting them up and freezing them,

The rest has been typical winter veg. I pulled a couple of small leeks, they really are not doing great, but I said that this time last year too.

2022 B/F £0.73

turnip – 374g£1.07
sprouts – 127g£0.28
swede – 266g£0.13
kale – 30g£0.27
parsnips – 4.109kg£5.38
chard – 81g£0.26
leeks – 91g£0.20
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £8.32

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