Weekly Harvest 29th Mar 22

22th March 2022

I have noticed onion looking things growing where we had carrots last year, I assumed they were small onion plants from seed that were planted nearby but never came to anything. I could never explain how and why they had managed to move in with the carrots. I wanted to dig over the ground ready for this year’s potatoes and so I dug them up, loads of them, all spring onion size. I decided they would be spring onions, but upon tasting them they were very garlicy spring onions. Still not sure what they were and how they got there.

Loads of purple sprouting and a lot more coming. Leeks have recovered and all looking quite good, we are picking them quite a bit now. Also, the first lot of rhubarb, for some reason I only picked three stalks but there were 300 available. I’ll maybe pick the other 297 of them next weekend,

2022 B/F -£2.77

spring onions – 305g£2.44
leeks – 528g£0.58
purple sprouting – 380g£4.13
chard – 81g£0.26
rhubarb – 336g£3.15
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £8.43

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