Weekly Harvest 29th Nov 22

29th November 2022

I grew the beetroot on the plot just to fill up space, we already had plenty in the garden. I pulled our first lot from the plot this week which all looked good, not massive or woody but just good-looking beetroot. We gave these away and got good feedback (surprise when some of them turned out to be stripy).

We finally used one of our butternut squashes leaving just one massive one left.

Previous visits to the plot, and there have not been many due to the constant wet weather, I have seen the broccoli coming and then going to seed. This time I got there in time to pick our first lot. We didn’t grow it last year (or year before either I don’t think) so it’s quite nice to have it this time.

2022 B/F £294.38

beetroot – 665g£2.66
broccoli – 103g£0.20
butternut squash – 800g£1.60
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £298.84

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