Weekly Harvest 4th Oct 22

4th October 2022

One last lot of runner beans, which was a bit of a surprise. There are some flowers still on them which look nice, they won’t come to anything as I’ll be pulling these up within a week or two.

Tomatoes too must all come up and the ones from the plot have been done this week. A lot suffered from blight in the end which was not surprising as it’s been wet and the days are shorter. Strangely, the ones in the garden are coping better but even they will come to it if I don’t pick the remaining green tomatoes this week. Green tomatoes are not a problem, I’m cutting them up and freezing them, we will use them in curries and things like that.

2022 B/F £318.48

runner beans – 115g£0.80
green tomatoes – 227g£2.02
tomatoes – 176g£1.56
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £322.86

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