Weekly Harvest – 8th Feb 22

8th February 2022

No visit to the plot, busy weekends and there’s not much that can be done while it is so wet. I would had gone up and picked swede and sprouts but didn’t get the time. In the garden though, I went out early in the frost, and dug up the remaining parsnips. Out of the whole two rows (6kg+ in total over this growing year) only a couple came out as funny shapes, the rest were big and long and straight. Success in planting straight into the rotted compost bed. Saying that, parsnips are probably more of an allotment plant and seeing as we had good success up their too, I’ll try putting the bulk of them on the plot for this year. Maybe just a row in the garden, just in case.

2022 B/F £10.51

parsnips – 2.329kg£3.05
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL £13.56

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