Weekly Harvest 8th March 22

8th March 2022

No harvest this week, mainly because I’ve not had time to go to the plot lately. That’s all due to change soon as March progresses and seeds start to be sown. I did however have time to spend money on seeds and compost. For actual seeds I did not need much, most of the expense was with potatoes and onion sets. I’ve gone mainly for Charlotte potatoes this year with a small bag of Maris Piper and Pink Fir. I’ve never grown Pink Fir and quite looking forward to them. The bag of compost will do for all my seedlings this year, starting off with repotting chili plants from the seed tray into small pots.

I’m normally planning this time of the year, I really hope that some time soon, hopefully in years to come not far off, I might be able to plan a little less in a survival mode, thinking about what do grow as it might actually be food we need to live off of. We did live off of leek soup for a quite a bit two years ago when Covid first came about, and planted plenty of turnips should we need them later on in the year to not only eat but also as currency for when the world might fall apart. I was a bit fed up to do similar last year and held back a bit. This year though, I am currently planning to sow a lot of turnips.

2022 B/F £16.41

onion sets£3.95
seed potatoes£10.00
WEEK TOTAL ££21.83
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL -£5.42

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