Weekly Harvest 13th Sept 23

13th September 2023

Mostly tomatoes, the late hot weather has allowed them to ripen and we have been picking them each morning. There are still some on the plants but they only really have a couple of weeks before it will be too cold and the days too short. Most of the tomatoes have been dark red ones, but we have also picked a lot of big beef type ones which we normally don’t do too well with. Because we are picking so many tomatoes it means we have mostly been eating tomatoes these past days.


2023 B/F £225.10

onion sets£1.99
courgette – 175g£0.53
tomato – 2.250kg£20.00
beetroot – 467g£1.87
raspberries – 40g£0.51
WEEK TOTAL £22.91£1.99
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £246.02

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