Three days where the temperature has reached 25c which makes it a heatwave. That is where we have been for all of last week, and I know that because I added a quick hack into our temperature reading script which puts up the convincing word “**HOT**” when it detects the temperature for the last three days has reached 25c or more. At the moment, it is “**HOT**”

I went to the plot early in order to give everything a good watering and with the expectation others would have the same thought too. I was the only person there in the end, but the early start was good. I spent ages strimming a path to the plot as since most of the plots are not looked after it means no one is keeping the grass down by either mowing it or simply walking a path through it. It really is like the ‘lost world’ with our plot in the middle of the jungle. It took quite a while and I was impressed that the battery lasted as it did (I bought the spare battery just in case). The end result was quite pleasing and started to make it look like it used to when everyone else was about.
It was getting quite warm when I had finished and started to stake up the young sprout plants and cover them over once again. I checked on the purple sprouting and kale which I had covered last week and all seemed pretty happy with their more room. I started sorting the strawberries which is when I noticed I had forgot to bring my knife and so there wasn’t much tidying, weeding, and cutting off the runners. So I put that down and thought I would start making some frames for netting to cover the strawberries with the idea that maybe next year we might get some strawberries before the mice do.
It was really hot now and although I had started with the strawberries by moving the bed over slightly, it was now mid morning and super super hot.
Today was the first visit to the plot where leaves are noticeably covering bits of the plot. It’s autumn and this is always a sign that even though I could pretend it is not happening there was no way to ignore that autumn had started. Give it another week and the whole plot will be covered for a while and summer time has fully gone. It is a bit strange then that the leaves are telling me autumn is starting but the temperature is telling me it’s mid summer.
I decided to go home a bit earlier than I wanted, it was too hot and on-one else was at the site as they had more sense.

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