Weekly Harvest 5th Sept 23

5th September 2023

I remember the year that we had so many cucumbers that I was giving them away to anyone who wanted them at the office. I remember the year when people used to work in offices! Crazy days of old. We have never really had the same good cucumber year and this year I thought we would probably get none due to me planting them out late and when I did it turned out to be the coldest, wettest, windiest summer known to man. One cucumber plant I did get out a bit earlier and I was pleased to pick a couple of cucumbers this week. The other plants all look too weak to be able to do anything before the days get too short.

We have come to the end of french and runner beans, there are still more but they are a bit rough so I’ll see about picking them when they are small.

Still picking tomatoes each morning and trying to keep up with eating them. I also pulled up a bunch of carrots from the plot.


2023 B/F £213.38

apples – 213g£0.55
ridge cucumber – 2£3.00
tomato – 430g£3.82
runner beans – 40g£0.28
carrots – 468g£0.28
beetroot – 468g£1.87
chillies – 4g£0.07
french beans – 147g£0.82
raspberries – 81g£1.03
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £225.10

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