Weekly Harvest 30th Jul 23

30th July 2023

Now all the peas have been picked it’s time for the french beans. Two massive pickings this week where I saw that the runner beans will not be far off. French brans are a nice harvest as the ones we do not use straight away we cut up and freeze.

With the peas gone, the spring onions will now see a bit of sunlight and hopefully grow a bit more, we are picking some now which are not too bad. We are also continuing to thin out the beetroot and pulling them as needed.

It was time for the big potato harvest, three rows dug with one left to go. We have grown less potatoes this year as we had way too many in previous years. At 13kg we are happy. The last row went in late and so I don’t plan to dig those up for another couple of weeks.

I happened to catch the small apple tree while it still have loose apples on it and so picked those. Normally there are there one week and then drop, and gone, the next.


2023 B/F £111.53

chillies – 10g£0.17
spring onions – 53g£0.42
potatoes – 13.018kg£13.02
apples – 490g£1.27
beetroot – 318g£1.27
french beans – 1.82kg£10.12
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £137.80

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