Weekly Harvest 30th May 23

30th May 2023

Not all in one go, this is for the month of May which for some reason I have not been doing weekly but I thought I’d better catch up before the month came and went.

The bulk of rhubarb came and went, we left it for a couple of weeks and it all started up again. The purple sprouting did come to an end eventually.

It is getting warmer and harvests are slowly starting to switch over. Picking lettuce most days to have with lunch, and we had our first lot of radish. Unlike other years though, everything is quite late in growing in size.

Finally, months and months late, we picked some broad beans.

2023 B/F £46.17

lettuce – 85g£1.37
purple sprouting – 708g£8.01
rhubarb – 2.636kg£24.38
radish – 46g£0.47
broad beans – 105g£0.13
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £80.06

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