How does your garden grow?

After a bit of sun after all this rain and cold, it grows very well. The sunny bank holiday weekend was something we have waiting for a long time and having woken up unusually early I got out in the garden before the sun had got high enough to reach the garden. I have had the beetroot, radish and parsnip seedlings covered since sowing them and even though I could see them growing I hadn’t really looked underneath. The covering was really to keep the cats from digging up the seeds rather than helping them grow. Uncovering showed neat rows of some massive bright red radish, lots of parsnip seedlings and beetroot all looking good. In with everything was a load of weeds which took a while to remove, but afterwards it looked a lot better. The low sun had reached the garden and everything looked good after giving it all a watering.

I put up a wigwam and planted the runner beans and put in a couple of rows of french beans. to make room I pulled up the bunch of rogue parsnips from last year and surprised to find small but viable parsnips. Not the best but something I wasn’t expecting.

The beds are nearly full now with just gaps for squash plants and a little row leeks. Once the garlic is pulled (in a couple of week) I’ll use the space for tomatoes.

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