More sowing at home

While it was snowing last week, this week it is sunny and each day the back garden gets more and more sun. With this, I sowed parsnips with radish in-between. As a long-term plant that doesn’t mind a bit of shade I’ve started on the lefthand side of the bed which gets less year round sun, leaving the more sunnier side for squash and tomatoes. While I put some seed direct in the ground I put some in loo rolls to start off undercover. Last year following the surprise success of direct sown in the garden I did likewise at the plot and hardly any came up. As soon as these germinate I’ll plant them out at the plot, which is a better place for them but they have in the past been bothered by pests more up there.

Next to the parsnips I put in two rows of beetroot, a mix of Boltardy and Rainbow Mix. I checked on the carrots under the fleece of which I see some germinating. The radish planted out earlier this week have settled in and I planted out a couple of spinach plants.

I have planted out potatoes in two sets, one at the start of the month and one now with the possible first earlies and second earlies maybe. The left overs I put in as a row in the garden.

The garden is a bit of a building side at the moment with replacement of the decking with something that will hopefully last a bit longer. Over the coming weeks it will get back to being a garden again…

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